Research Overview
Crucial to my research are concerns about the relationship between rhetoric and human rights. My recent book, Rhetoric in the Time of Torture (2023), analyzes the rhetoric of torture in contemporary U.S. contexts. The project contends with the fraught position of torture in civic discourse by charting a rhetorical history of torture from the Bush era up to the present, using several archives from the past decade: the Torture Memos, the Abu Ghraib photographs, and the Web sites of several humanitarian aid organizations. In the last five years of so, I have published related work in Literature Interpretation Theory, Screen Bodies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Experience Perception, and Display; as well as Trace: A Journal of Writing, Media, and Ecology. On issues of pedagogy and the first-year writing Jumbo at Chico State, you'll find my work in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Composition Studies, and Rhetoric & Composition in Contentious Times. Over the past ten years, my work has also appeared in the journal Present Tense; Re/Framing Identifications, edited by Michelle Ballif and published by Waveland Press; the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative blog carnival on feminist materialisms; the inaugural issue of the Journal of Contemporary Poetics, published by International Islamic University, in Islamabad, Pakistan; among other venues. |